lauantai 10. heinäkuuta 2010


Here is an old picture of a canyon. I've updated it since with more cliff props and textures. Originally it's purpose was to make an obstacle and stop player from marching directly to super mutant camp. And of course it serves as a barrier keeping super mutant patrols wandering too near civilization. Brotherhood of Steel serves also that purpose :-) Now, the area has become an adventure site.

This worked better than I thought canyon is impressive, you don't want to fall in. The walls are hard to climb and the sight is really nice. Of course there is adventure and loot to be found. After all, dangerous areas must have best loot ;-)

Here is another image that shows landscaping. There is a caravan heading south, I'm escorting it. Yes, there is a escort mission even everybody hates them. It's an action filled trip and caravan driver discussion subjects change dynamically depending where he is. Worth talking to him if you take this quest.
Anyway, there is a dried river bed, some hills, cliffs and a ropebridge. I've noticed that the eye finds really fast "what is wrong with this area". Areas that are flat are the easiest to spot. Still editor is good enough that you can fix those areas in few minutes with landscaping, some rocks, texturing and some random junk.

torstai 8. heinäkuuta 2010

4 Explorers

Again "long-time-no-see". A bit health problems in June, but now I'm mostly on my feet again. So last time I mentioned the Four Explorers: Jade, Sam, Mark and you the player. At the start of the mod you four are given task to explore the wasteland. Mission is to find any civilization and report to the Overseer. Though you start together, soon you must go your separate ways to find adventure.

Jade is the part of the vault administration. She's smart, ambitious, tough and knows how to survive. A natural leader that can see the "BIG picture" :-) She's happy to finally get out of the vault.

Sam is part of the vault science department. He's a natural with computers and mechanics. The big guy is also a big fan of baseball and captain cosmos. Leaving the vault gives him a great oppotunity to witness things that he has only read about.

Mark is one of the fine security officers in Vault 44. He's a good natured guy that always finds time for nuka-cola and some rock'n'roll in the Vault 44 atrium. When he is off-duty he also likes target practice and gambling. He's one of the luckiest people you ever meet.

So, these are the guys that are going to the surface wasteland with you. You know them all by name, but you mostly work or hang outwith other people. Getting to know them might be worth it. See you in the wasteland :-)