maanantai 6. syyskuuta 2010

Open air dungeon

What do you call an open air dungeon? My area is mostly a dungeon, an adventure site with enemies, traps and loot, but it happens to take place in a abandoned trainyard or industrial area. To me "dungeon" is something that is underground. Well, not important, sometimes I just wonder how to describe what I'm doing :-)

I enjoyed the couple of small train stations that were in Fallout 3. Also i wanted the mining town to have next to it ruins of an industrial area. Mining being one of the economic pillars of the city and naturally there would grow some small industry close by. The ore and the manufactured goods would need to shipped easily. The train network would help there.

So that was the design goal or idea what I wanted to achieve. Here are some images to show you how I managed to implement my vision.

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